Educational Materials
Resources to Help with Risk Communication and Understanding
Measures of Dementia Risk
Many kinds of data are used to predict dementia risk such as increased age, genetic risk, or health conditions that affect the brain. Biomarkers are measures of what is happening inside the living body, shown by the results of laboratory and imaging tests. Biomarkers can help doctors and scientists diagnose diseases and health conditions, find health risks in a person, monitor responses to treatment, and see how a person's disease or health condition changes over time. For example, changes in the brains of people with these disorders may begin many years before memory loss or other symptoms appear. Many types of biomarker tests are used for research on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. .
A National Institute on Aging website describes the most common biomarkers and their current uses are described.
Federal Partners Webinar: A general introduction to communicating biomarkers
AGREEDementia Products
Below are educational materials that support dementia risk communication developed by members of our group.
A Decision Tool for Blood-based Amyloid test in MCI
from Lindsay Clark, Annalise Rahman-Filipiak, Judy Heidebrink, Jennifer Lingler, Nate Chin and the Symptomatic Group and ADEAR from NIA
A Decision Tool for Amyloid PET Imaging in MCI*:
from Jennifer Lingler, Judy Heidebrink, the Symptomatic Group, and ADEAR from NIA
*MCI=Mild Cognitive Impairment
A Glossary for People New to Dementia Research:
from Sarah Walter, the Stakeholder's Group and the Alzheimer's Clinical Trials Consortium
Publications of Group and Members
Additional Resources
Below is information and resources to support informed approaches to dementia risk communication.
Guidelines and Important Basic Information
The Importance of Biomarker-Based Diagnosis
Biomarker Concepts
A biomarker (short for biological marker) is an objective measure that captures what is happening in a cell or an organism at a given moment. Biomarkers can serve as early warning systems for your health.
- More about biomarkers according to the FDA?
- Context of Use in Biomarkers
- Laboratory Developed Test (LTD)
- BEST Glossary (Biomarkers, EndpointS, and other Tools Resource)
Implementation of Use of Blood-Based Biomarkers (Global CEOi)-clickable link
Return of Individual Results White Paper-MRCT
Guidelines Genetic Counselling and Testing for Alzheimer's
Example of Risk Decision Tools for Other Conditions
Alzheimer's Association Webinars 2021-Laurel Beckett's tutorial on statistics is great
- VA Materials for a Clinical Amyloid Reducing Treatment Program
- Amyloid Reducing Drugs (Aducanumab)
- Appropriate Use of Lecanumab
(Cummings et al., 2023)
- GUIDE model to improve care integration (CMS)
- Dementia Care Resources
(Research on Clinical Services)
- National Academies Preventing Cognitive Decline
- National Academies Therapies for Dementia
Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities (CME-training from --must create an account and search for Alzheimer's to access this
- Managing Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities (CME-Alzheimer's Assoc.)
- ARIA Recommendations (Cogswell et al, 2022)
For Professionals on Genetics
- APOE Terms Defined
- Genetic Diversity Research Status
- Search for Info on Specific Mutations
- Alzheimer's and Frontotemporal Mutations Database (currently unavailable)
- Gene Reviews
- What is a polygenic risk score?
- Genetic Testing and Late-Onset AD (video for CE)
For Professionals on Dementia Biomarkers
- LATE-a type of dementia that looks similar to Alzheimer's
- App that identifies risk for AD informs when testing is useful (Schindler)
- Digital Biomarker-Brainwatch Coalition
- The United Consortium (data sharing)
- Inflammatory CAA and AD Biomarkers (ICAB)
- Evaluating the precision of blood based biomakers (Schindler&Global CEOi)
On Cognitive Screening
Communication: Researchers to Participants: Resource Sites
- ADORE Search Engine from National Institute on Aging (NIA)
- Common Communication Tools (NIA)
- Trial Innovation Network: A Large Set of Resources and Examples
- Multiregional Clinical Trials Center (MRCT)
- Tools for Combatting COVID Misinformation (CEAL)
- ClaritI-NIA funded longitudinal imaging
Example Risk Communication Tools and Protocols
- Biomarker Disclosure Toolkit (Pittsburgh ADRC)
- Biomarkerhub (Global CEOi)
- APOE and Amyloid Disclosure (Alzheimer's Prevention Initiative[API])
- Communication Materials from API: APOE and Amyloid Disclosure (Generation Study)
- Washington University Description of their Protocol (see supplement for examples)
- 5 Year dementia risk calculators for research only (Mozersky and Hartz)
Example Consent forms to help provide clinical researchers with helpful tools for consent
Communication for General Public and
People without Cognitive Concerns
- Amyloid (NIA)
- Genetics: APOE 4 (NIA)
- Genetics: APOE 4: Multimodal Decision Tool (Genetestornot)
- Why Donate Your Brain to Science
Communication for People with Cognitive Concerns
(To be released soon)
Diversity Disparities and Disclosure
- Resources for Inclusion, a toolbox dedicated to clinical trials (
- Cultural Competence (NIH)
- National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS)
- Asian Cohort
General Terms and Concepts
- Glossary AMA of Culturally Appropriate Language (General)
- Glossary APA of Culturally Appropriate Language (General)
Professional Training
- NHGRI Training on Genetics (National Human Genome Research Institute)
- Ethical and Practical Issues in Disclosure of Dementia Risk (TRAIN #131003610)
Legal and Ethical Concerns
- American Society for Law Medicine and Ethics
- 23andMe hack and advice (from Being Patient)
- NIA webinar on Sharing Individual Level Data (July 2023)
Brain Donation
For Professionals Integration with Care
- KAER Toolkit is helpful to guide primary care in evaluation and referral (Gerontological Society of America)
Creating a Positive Life with Dementia
- MyBrainGuide is helpful for people living with and at risk for cognitive dysfunction (US Against Alzheimer's)
- Pathways to Well-Being with Dementia: A Manual of Help, Hope and Inspiration
- Dementia Action Alliance
- Front Porch is a program to connect older adults (CA Bay Area for in-person)
- Campaign to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease-a nonprofit to promote this cause
- Alzbuddies pairs college students with people living with AD to prevent loneliness
Relevant and Collaborating Groups
Advocacy and Professional
Alzheimer's Disease International
American Health Lawyers Association
American Public Health Association
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
American Society for Human Genomics
Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration
B.A.B.E.S. "Beating Alzheimer's by Embracing Science"
Caregiver/Alzheimer's Support Technology Entrepreneur
European Alzheimer's Disease Consortium
Lewy Body Dementia Association
National Society of Genetic Counsellors
Youngtimers Support for People at Genetic Risk for Early Onset Dementia
Administration for Community Living
Food and Drug Administration Biomarker Qualification Program
TRAIN Free Continuing Education
Academic Affiliates
Alzheimer's Prevention Initiative, Banner Alzheimer's Institute
Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Columbia University Medical Center/Taub Institute
Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Geriatric Psychiatry, University Clinic Bonn, Germany
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Multi-Regional Clinical Trial Center (MRCT)
National Centralized Repository for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (NCRAD)
Palo Alto and San Francisco VA (VISN 21): Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center
University of California, San Francisco ADC
University of California, Irvine ADRC
University of California, San Diego ADRC
University of Pennsylvania ADC
University of Southern California Alzheimer's Therapeutic Research Institute (ATRI)
University of Virginia, School of Nursing
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Washington University Knight ADRC
Washington University School of Medicine